

紫薇是一种太阳能象征,而斗数则是一种占卜 *** 。斗数是以八卦为基础,以天地人为元素的宇宙观。紫薇斗数通过分析一个人的出生日期,来预测他在一生中的运气。出生日期对应八卦中的八个爻,每个爻又对应一个斗。一生分为八个斗,八个斗又分为八个大运。每个运势都会有不同的低运和高运,根据运势的不同而改变。而且,一个人的运势是会随着时间的推移而变化的。





The Purple Aster Division numeration is a way of divination based on the Eight Trigrams. The Eight Trigrams is a co *** ology with the Eight Trigrams as the foundation and the elements of heaven, earth and people. The Purple Aster Division numeration can predict a person's luck in his lifetime through *** yzing his birth date. The birth date corresponds to the eight trigrams in the Eight Trigrams, and each trigram corresponds to a trigram. There are eight trigrams in a lifetime, and each trigram is divided into eight great fortunes. Each fortune will have different lows and highs, and will change according to the different fortunes. Moreover, a person's fortune will change with the passage of time.

To find out your own fortune, you need to find the Eight Trigrams that correspond to your birth date. There are 64 trigrams in the Eight Trigrams, divided into upper and lower trigrams. The upper trigrams are the sun, the moon, the stars and the earth, and the lower trigrams are the moon, the earth, the sun and the stars. Each trigram has eight trigrams, and each trigram has twelve palaces. The palaces are arranged in a clockwise direction, namely, the Rat, the Ox, the Tiger, the Rabbit, the Dragon, the Snake, the Horse, the Goat, the Monkey, the Rooster, the Dog and the Pig. According to the trigrams and palaces of your birth date, you can determine which trigram you belong to.

The trigram you belong to will also have different fortunes. For example, if you belong to the Yin and Yang trigrams, your fortune will be affected by the sun and the moon. If you belong to the trigrams of Heaven and Earth, your fortune will be affected by the earth and the sun. If you belong to the trigrams of human beings, your fortune will be affected by your own ability and behavior. According to your different fortunes, you can predict your future luck.


The Purple Aster Division numeration is very important for a person, because it can help you understand your own fortune and predict the future. By understanding your own fortune, you can make corresponding adjustments to get better luck.











