

紫薇斗数是一种用来分析命运的传统 *** ,可以帮助人们了解自己的命运,以便更好地掌握生活。为了更好地了解女孩子的命运,我们来看看紫薇斗数会给女孩子带来哪些吉星和凶星。







The Purple Violet Asteroids is a traditional method of *** yzing destiny, which can help people understand their destiny and better grasp their life. In order to better understand the destiny of girls, let's take a look at what Purple Violet Asteroids will bring to girls in the form of lucky stars and evil stars.

The "lucky stars" in the Purple Violet Asteroids refer to the constellation that can help the girl get lucky, while the "evil stars" refer to the constellation that will bring misfortune to the girl. According to the *** ysis of the Purple Violet Asteroids, the following are the differences between the lucky stars and evil stars of the girl's lower house.


First of all, let's take a look at the "ugly" palace. The "ugly" palace represents the marital status of the girl's parents at the time of her birth. If the girl's parents are happily married, then the "ugly" palace is the girl's lucky star, which can help the girl get lucky. On the contrary, if the girl's parents have experienced divorce or unhappy marriage, then the "ugly" palace is the girl's evil star, which will bring misfortune to the girl. Therefore, the "ugly" palace is one of the lucky and unlucky palaces for girls.

Secondly, it is the "Tiger" palace. The "Tiger" palace refers to the hour of the girl's birth. If the girl is born in the "Tiger" hour, then the "Tiger" palace is the girl's lucky star, which can help the girl get lucky. On the contrary, if the girl is born in the "Hour" hour, then the "Tiger" palace is the girl's evil star, which will bring misfortune to the girl. Therefore, the "Tiger" palace is the second lucky and unlucky palace for girls.

Finally, it is the "Mao" palace. The "Mao" palace refers to the girl's house. If the girl's house is located in the "Mao" palace, then the "Mao" palace is the girl's lucky star, which can help the girl get lucky. On the contrary, if the girl's house is located in the "Hour" palace, then the "Mao" palace is the girl's evil star, which will bring misfortune to the girl. Therefore, the "Mao" palace is the third lucky and unlucky palace for girls.

From the above *** ysis, it can be seen that the "ugly", "Tiger" and "Mao" palaces are the lucky and unlucky palaces for girls. If a girl is born in these three palaces, she will be lucky. On the contrary, if she is born in the "Hour" palace, she will be unlucky. Therefore, when girls choose their marriage partners, they must choose boys who are born in the "ugly", "Tiger" and "Mao" palaces, so that they can get lucky.











